If you are attempting to get compensated for an injury, accident or any other insurance claim and find that you are running into issues getting that compensation then maybe you need to hire an insurance investigator,. This is not a privilege that is reserved only to the insurance companies or employers and it densest cost as much as you may think.
If the company that you have files a claim with or against have hired their own investigator then it may be in your best interest to do the same. You cannot always leave it up to their investigator because you know you are telling the truth, because their job is to sing discrepancies and discredit you.
Seca Investigations is a great company to consider if you need a professional investigator that won’t break the bank. They strive to abide by all of the regulatory frameworks, guidelines and rules in place while also getting to the truth quickly. This is a team of professionals that will look at every angel equally and make sure that the determination is correct before jumping the gun. If you are in the right then they will see to it that you have the documentation to prove that is so. This is very helpful when the adversary may have an investigator trying to say differently.
Seca Investigations will always extend their services with integrity and a commitment to provide every client with comprehensive and accurate information quickly. The professionals at Seca Investigations are dedicated beyond verbal description. They are independent, unbiased and adamant about getting results. Seca will go above and beyond to meet the needs of clients dealing with things like but not limited to the following:
- Claims Investigations
- Circumstance Investigations
- Surveillance
- Pre Employment/screening Check
- Corporate & Government Services
- Under Cover Operations
- Matrimonial Investigation
- General Insurance Investigations
This company is very receptive to all of their client’s needs. You do not have to be a fortune 500 company or a franchise to get great services, as a matter of fact the individuals requesting these investigative services are equally as valued and taken just as seriously as the large corporations on the clientele list.
There are very specific and strict processes in place that will ensure all clients are taken care of comprehensively, professionally and equally. Some of these are as follows:
- Photo schedule format
- Interim reports
- Running sheets
- Full statement format
All laws and policies are abided to at all times by every investigator. Fees are on a flat rate scale, and a retainer is required. From Motor Vehicle theft claims, Motor vehicle collision, Marine Theft, arson and more, Seca Investigations has you covered. They even deal with workman’s compensation and all other claims investigations needs.
This is also a professional surveillance company. They will go above and beyond to meet your every need. Do not hesitate to call this professional investigations and Surveillance Company today.
Seca Investigations:
Phone 61 3 9544 6865 / 61 3 9544 8279
Fax 61 3 9558 8980